How to manage violence in your workplace

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines workplace violence as any incident where a person is abused, threatened, or assaulted in circumstances related to their work. This can encompass verbal abuse or threats—whether in person, online, or over the phone—as well as physical attacks. While such incidents are rare, they are unacceptable, and anyone who believes they have experienced abuse, threats, or physical violence should report the incident promptly.


Impact of Workplace Violence

Violence at work can have a significant impact on both individuals and their colleagues, including those who witness the event. Potential effects include:

  • Physical injury
  • Stress and mental health issues
  • Long-term disability or, in extreme cases, death

Managing Workplace Violence

To handle potentially dangerous or uncomfortable situations, consider the following strategies:

  • Stay calm and polite, so the hostility is aimed at the role you represent, not you personally.
  • Avoid using aggressive body language.
  • Resist the urge to argue, even if you feel targeted. Engaging in an argument is more likely to escalate the situation than defuse it.
  • Keep your personal phone or transmitter/radio visible, as this can serve as a deterrent when others realize you are not isolated.

Managing Violence While in a Vehicle

  • Keep the vehicle doors locked.
  • Avoid lowering the windows to a point where someone could reach through.
  • Contact the police immediately if you feel threatened.
  • Leave the area as soon as it is safe, considering the safety of others around your vehicle.
  • Be aware that the aggressor may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or have underlying mental health issues, which may affect their behavior.

Further Information

If you need more information or guidance, please reach out to your line manager.


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